Le Clos Fleuri - 5, rue de la Dîme - 27620 Giverny - +33 (0)2 32 21 36 51

Frequently Asked Questions

On this page, we answer questions you may ask before visiting us at Le Clos Fleuri, if you have additional question, please feel free to contact us! We will be happy to answer you.

Does the price include taxes ?

Yes, except for the city tax.

Are the prices by person or by room ?

Prices are per room, please specify the number of people and provide the ages of children in your booking request.

Is breakfast included in the price ?

Yes, breakfast is included in the price.

At what time is arrival and departure ?

The rooms are ready by 14h00 and you have to leave by 11h00.

When do I have to pay for the reservation ?

At the time of leaving.

Can I pay by credit card ?

No, we cannot accept credit card payments , payment by cash only.

Do the bathrooms have showers and /or baths ?

The rooms all have showers.

What is the size of the beds ?

Our beds are 1.80m wide and 2.00m long and single beds 90cm wide.

Are the rooms equipped with double beds or just singles ?

All of our rooms can be equipped with singles or doubles , please let us know when you make your reservation which you require.

What languages are spoken at Le Clos Fleuri ?

French and English.

Is there a car park at Le Clos Fleuri ?

Yes, we have a secured parking within the property.

At what distance are you from the Claude Monet Museum and the Musée D'Impressionnismes ?

We are at approx 300m.